Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Spanish language and ignorant Americans...

Okay, let's get one thing straight. I'm not latino/hispanic, or whatever you want to label people who are native or are of that decent.

I just happen to speak the language. I'm not as fluent as I used to be.

With that in mind, know that people who are extremely suburban, like one or many of my co-workers, you will hear ignorance spill from their mouths about races, languages, ethnicities and so on.

It makes me want to vomit! I can't understand how all that ignorance can breed and come into contact with young impressionable minds of their children! (Let alone that they have children, but that's beside the point.)

I can understand if they are in their 50's or 60s or beyond. That doesn't excuse them, that just shows that the ignorance is explained by when they were brought up. The other hand, if you're in your 40s or younger, I believe it was taught.

You would think they would know better. This coworker was talking to my boss about how everyone from Spanish speaking countries has to learn English. Hell, their ancestors off the boat did! Well, they probably didn't. Not as quickly as you might think. Hell, I don't think that even the latest immigrants learned, unless they had a school that would teach them!

I replied that there are just different kinds of people, in every race or ethnicity. Some don't want to learn another language, while some do. Some want to earn their way into a country, instead of feeding off of the policies or the programs put into place for citizens.

Of course I was wrong!

"You don't have children to worry about..."

Oh and they're going to be worried as much as you are? In this day and age, they know people who are: gay, divorced, separated, poor, abused, orphaned...the list goes on. They're not really shocked at what they hear. Their parents are the ones who shape what they think about people. The free thinkers are there, they're just oppressed by these ignorant parents, who should know better! Hell, have more life experience with a more diverse section of people!

It's that kind of thinking, that stunts children's reasoning skills and judgment skills. This irrational thinking, where 'they're going to take over' the country, is racist, it's something that you would hear at a KKK rally!

That statement is not true...it's just people's nature. I don't respect people that will not speak another language, because they don't want to. If I wanted to live in a country that spoke Spanish, I'd bone up again and get myself immersed in the culture!

I was so angry and fuming when I heard this. How can people stand to say or listen to this stuff!

If only I had the patience and wisdom like Obama.

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