Sunday, April 6, 2008

Vacation is coming soon...

I'm counting down the days. I can't seem to think that I could just let go and leave my worries behind. But of course, with me, that's not the case. They'll be in the back of my mind, but they'll still be there.

The uncertainty of my future, my empty or near empty bank account, come to mind. Not being secure enough in my life, also comes to mind.

Animal Kingdom and the beach...and relaxation. That would be great! I've never been to AK, so as an animal lover, I think I'll enjoy that. My skin however, will NOT enjoy the sunshine. I will be carrying SPF 30 or more.

I'm even surprised I could afford a flight. Good thing I paid for it months in advance, with a Southwest gift card, no less!

Gift cards are a woman's best friend. (Not that diamonds aren't nice, I'm just not the materialistic kind.

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