Sunday, May 11, 2008

Allergies are disabling things, ya know?

I can't count the number of entries in my other blog, that I have complained about this year long ailment. It's not just seasonal, people. It's ALL.YEAR.ROUND.

Humidity? They hate it. Dust? They hate it. Flowering trees? Hate it. Just all around change in temperature and season? You guessed it, they hate it.

The only thing my ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) doctor can come up with, is to perform a surgery to correct my deviated septum. I had allergy testing, that told me what I already know: grasses, flowers and weeds are not my best friends. Not to mention, dust mites aren't, as well.

Hopefully this season will have a great deal of rain, so the pollen will wash away. It looks like spring came late. Isn't the saying, "APRIL showers, bring MAY flowers?" They came all at once.

[Knocks on screen] Is anyone out there reading this? I love to write, but comments rock!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


What will it take for you to QUIT?

By EVERYONE'S calculations, you are behind in delegates, you are behind in super delegates, you are BEHIND in the popular vote.

When will you realize that being the mudslinger, is not going to get you anywhere? When will you realize that Barack Obama is the better candidate? For the good of the party...LET.IT.GO.

Your husband is shooting his mouth off. Your supporters are making asses of themselves.

I've heard it all, I've seen it all. I've been subjected to the cable news coverage, which pits you two against each other.

When will it SINK IN?!

Probably never...