Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jimmie Johnson at a National Press Club Luncheon?!

Who in the HELL at Hendrick accepted that and scheduled him for this?!

I do watch C-SPAN, probably the only NASCAR writer that does...other than maybe Jade Gurss...but I digress.

What was going on there? Why did they ask HIM, of all people, who NASCAR fans would support in the presidential election? It is a stereotype, that all NASCAR fans are republicans. We're not. I'm not. So, I will NOT let any driver, on any team, or a republican politician say that I am. I am NOT. I am a liberal, who supports Barack Obama. Take THAT Jimmie.

Never let a NASCAR driver that has not gone past high school, speak in Washington, DC, to a press club. Yes, that includes Dale Earnhardt, Jr.

Who in Washington cares about NASCAR and its philanthropic ways? Not many, I'm guessing. As a nation, I don't think their choice in guests, mirrors the tastes and ideas of people all over.

Maybe they should have asked Chad Knaus to speak to the club? They might get some interesting information about the cars, about engineering...about something half way interesting, that a DC audience might listen to.

The fact that the mainstream NASCAR press hasn't really made this a story, confirms that Jimmie wasn't a hot topic of conversation. This luncheon was on July 8th, a few days after the Daytona 400. After a long holiday weekend, a long race...who wants to sit in front of their TV watching C-SPAN cover Jimmie Johnson? Not me, I'd rather be looking at the championship chances for the top 10 in points.

Just sayin'...

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Knight

I truly liked this movie. I'm NOT saying this, because I think Heath Ledger is a brilliant actor. I think this series is more human, more real.

I won't spoil I'll just leave it there. Oscar or no, it's a great movie.