Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Spanish language and ignorant Americans...

Okay, let's get one thing straight. I'm not latino/hispanic, or whatever you want to label people who are native or are of that decent.

I just happen to speak the language. I'm not as fluent as I used to be.

With that in mind, know that people who are extremely suburban, like one or many of my co-workers, you will hear ignorance spill from their mouths about races, languages, ethnicities and so on.

It makes me want to vomit! I can't understand how all that ignorance can breed and come into contact with young impressionable minds of their children! (Let alone that they have children, but that's beside the point.)

I can understand if they are in their 50's or 60s or beyond. That doesn't excuse them, that just shows that the ignorance is explained by when they were brought up. The other hand, if you're in your 40s or younger, I believe it was taught.

You would think they would know better. This coworker was talking to my boss about how everyone from Spanish speaking countries has to learn English. Hell, their ancestors off the boat did! Well, they probably didn't. Not as quickly as you might think. Hell, I don't think that even the latest immigrants learned, unless they had a school that would teach them!

I replied that there are just different kinds of people, in every race or ethnicity. Some don't want to learn another language, while some do. Some want to earn their way into a country, instead of feeding off of the policies or the programs put into place for citizens.

Of course I was wrong!

"You don't have children to worry about..."

Oh and they're going to be worried as much as you are? In this day and age, they know people who are: gay, divorced, separated, poor, abused, orphaned...the list goes on. They're not really shocked at what they hear. Their parents are the ones who shape what they think about people. The free thinkers are there, they're just oppressed by these ignorant parents, who should know better! Hell, have more life experience with a more diverse section of people!

It's that kind of thinking, that stunts children's reasoning skills and judgment skills. This irrational thinking, where 'they're going to take over' the country, is racist, it's something that you would hear at a KKK rally!

That statement is not true...it's just people's nature. I don't respect people that will not speak another language, because they don't want to. If I wanted to live in a country that spoke Spanish, I'd bone up again and get myself immersed in the culture!

I was so angry and fuming when I heard this. How can people stand to say or listen to this stuff!

If only I had the patience and wisdom like Obama.

Spanish and ignorance...(I mean the language)

Going to post more soon... Believe me, I'm angry.

People that think certain things, just shouldn't speak.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

NASCAR over priced? Say it's not so!

When did someone realize this?

From my own personal experience, I know what it's all about. I've only been to two tracks: Dover and Charlotte.

One requires driving 3 and a half hours each way, plus an over night hotel stay. That would be Dover.

The other requires a longer stay to make it worth the money that I shell out for a plane ticket and hotel for a couple of days.

Oh and did I forget a rental car? Yeah, I guess I did.

Put that all together and you get debt, along with the tickets and food and what not.

Yes, I put my love of travel before thinking about my bank account. Yes, I went a little crazy with my credit cards.

Regardless, it's not cheap to go to one race, let alone two in one year.

Unless you're someone who is independently wealthy, such as the top 1 percent of our population, or more...or have invested wisely for your retirement...guess what? You're only going to be sitting on your couch.

That's what I'm going to end up doing again, when I sell my tickets for the June Dover race. Stub Hub here I come!

My job doesn't pay me enough and in this economy, it makes it tougher. Even if you have a college degree like I have, there are no jobs out there to pay me like I deserve to be paid.

I believe in full disclosure, so I will tell you that I am an Obama supporter. Bloggers and Citizen Journalists alike are supposed to express their views, but not be biased. I will say that anything that he has expressed about the bitterness of the middle class and poor IS correct. There is NOTHING negative that he has said, in regard to this. Hillary Clinton is just using her spin, so she can get her dishonest discourse and rhetoric back in the White House.

NASCAR is a part of this corporate structure that is hurting our economy. It's hurting those that are supporting them.

I'd like to tell the commentator on AOL Fan House, that it was quite obvious that this was going on for years. Eight years to be exact. When did you begin to figure this out? Or was it pure sarcasm? I hope it was. If it wasn't, I think someone needs a reality check. NASCAR tickets, like all other expenses are not in line with reality. They're all over priced, they're all out of reach for the fans that they're trying to reach.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Vacation is coming soon...

I'm counting down the days. I can't seem to think that I could just let go and leave my worries behind. But of course, with me, that's not the case. They'll be in the back of my mind, but they'll still be there.

The uncertainty of my future, my empty or near empty bank account, come to mind. Not being secure enough in my life, also comes to mind.

Animal Kingdom and the beach...and relaxation. That would be great! I've never been to AK, so as an animal lover, I think I'll enjoy that. My skin however, will NOT enjoy the sunshine. I will be carrying SPF 30 or more.

I'm even surprised I could afford a flight. Good thing I paid for it months in advance, with a Southwest gift card, no less!

Gift cards are a woman's best friend. (Not that diamonds aren't nice, I'm just not the materialistic kind.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

So, there's no Recession, Dubya?

Well, if you were smart enough to notice, you'd see that there are thousands of people out of work and poor.

I am one of them, believe it or not.

I'm struggling to pay the bills, living paycheck to paycheck. Gotta love it.

Being negative in your checking account, brings you to that realization. Yes, I should budget and cut things. Yes, I should not buy as much.

But didn't you want us to spend the stimulus check? How the hell is that going to stimulate the economy? All us poor and middle class people, trying to pay our bills, should be spending it. I know for sure, I'm going to spend it on paying back my creditors: mostly credit cards.

I can't stand it. Aren't college grads like me supposed to be living well and doing a job that I love?

I really don't get it.

People say that looking to Obama isn't going to get us anywhere. I believe that he's above all the bullshit and he's going to do something right.

Being apethetic, will fade into optimism. Hopefully...

Yes, I said the word HOPE.

I'm broke, anyone want to hire me?

I have a job right now, but it's not cutting it. I want to do what I'm educated to do: be in the media, or manage it.

What do you do? How did you get it done?