Sunday, April 15, 2007

Junior's future with DEI

Can I say how much I hate hearing about this constantly? I know it's a business, but come ON people! I'm sure the people that matter: Max Siegel, Theresa Earnhardt and Junior will get this out in the open.

I commend Siegel for keeping the negotiations under wraps. Kelley means well, but I think boasting about 51 percent ownership or more is what they hope to get...or nothing at all...that's pushing it. On the other hand, having some kind of ownership of a company that Big E thought would be his family's legacy, is commendable.

It's these conflicting points of view that keep this thing going.

I think that he will get a good car and good equipment if he went to RCR.

The "deadline" of May 1st is good to shoot for, but I don't think that will come to be. The rumored June 1st "deadline" seems more likely. Hopefully there will be something in place before Dover.

I have a selfish stake in all this: I'll be going to Dover in June and want to see him win...or HELL, Truex win. I like them both and I think that they're both due for a win.

Many pin me as just a DEI fan...but I'm not. I like and admire all drivers and teams... It just matters who gives them good equipment now...and who helps them win. Right now, I think RCR is a better choice.

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